Table of Contents
Thoughts and Talks
- Observe-Hack-Massage Emily, on the first coming together of Hacking With Care with La Quadrature du Net @OHM Festival for Hackers and Makers, in the Netherlands, August 2013
- Stop the abuse! Protection and care for Julian Assange HWC 30/04/2019
- Take care and Free Assange! HWC 26/03/2019
- Que sont nos signaux somatiques devenus ? Anne, article pour le délinéaire, Labnt2, 2013, Montréal
- Hacking With Care: Attention, bien-être et politique de l'ordinaire dans le milieu hacktiviste Anne Goldenberg, DPI, 2012, Montréal
- 30C3 Lightning Talk Emily & Baba
- Emily King & Jérémie Zimmermann @RepublicaTEN A presentation of Hacking with Care by two of its co-founders, Berlin, May 2016
Third Parties
- Distributed Web of Care – Taeyoon Workshop NYC, New Museum, Rhizome, March 2018
- Thoughts On Workshop Design fablednet / blog, Sarah Gray, March 2018
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thoughtsessays.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/04 15:23 by hwc