Table of Contents
Hacking With Care Projects
You are welcome to print, copy, circulate, remix our materials, but please do not make commercial use of these works without contacting us, mention origin/author, and keep the same standards as we, as in the CC BY-NC-SA license.
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Enjoy <3 !
General advice for massage
Massage Manuals (in multiple langages)
- MAOZADA THE HANDSHAKE Hands massage for all!
- MAOZADA Massagens de mão para toda gente! (PT)
- EL APRETÓN DE MANOS ¡Masajes de manos para toda la peña!
- LA POIGNÉE DE MAIN Manuel de massage des mains pour tout le monde !
- PRE-MOON MASSAGE A suggested full-body massage protocol to soothe premenstrual discomforts
- MONKEY MIND MASSAGE Head and face massage to calm the restless mind, designed as a postcard set
Massage workshops memos
- Mémo Atelier Observer-Hacker-Masser Workshop mémo, 12/12/2013 @Biopulse Formation massage, Paris.
- Mémo Atelier Observer-Hacker-Masser la Main Workshop mémo, du 14/06/2014 @Poop, Paris
- Kit para el autocuidado: Trabajando frente a un ordenador. Un taller de cuidados y masajes por Mostro, HWC Sessions#1 @c-base, Berlin, September 2016. Spanish, pdf : workshopkitparaelautocuidado_hwcsessions1.pdf
- HWC Boot Sequence Video Tutorial. Guided sequence of simple movements for day-to-day self-care. To wake up, warm up, unlock, stretch, strengthen. Recommended in the morning, before physical activity (including long hours of computer work), or as an interlude, to restore some flow in the body after prolonged stillness. Dedicated to Julian Assange.
- S. Hiltner's Boneshaker workout-workshop poster: boneshaker_sh_hwc.pdf !! CC-BY-NC-SA
Learning about the body
- Coding your body, a talk on body mechanics, movement and good posture at 30C3, by S.Hiltner
Software for self-care
- Workrave, being programmed by a program a review of software Workrave, by S. Hiltner
- MyOwnStretchWare Reverse Engineering for public health, by Bob
Cryptodance !
- Crypto Dance ! Encryption with dance moves !
- Cryptodance at THF!2016 + Cryptodance pad exploring, embodying, and facilitating digital security through dance and choreography.
Pudeur et Chiffrement
- Atelier Pudeur et Chiffrement une collaboration entre Emily de Hacking with Care et Yoann de la coopérative La Boussole.
Hack Anxiety
- Resources to Hack Anxiety : Go to Anxiety and Panic
Hack Burnout
- Some resources to hack Burnout
Digital & Operational Security For Caregivers
- Some resources to draw from
Ethical Tactical Tech
Ask Me Anything
Note : The AMAs by caregivers (psychotherapy, physiotherapy…) are not to be mistaken for individual therapy sessions/consultations, nor should they be considered definitive truth on a given subject. Their primary aims is to break ice on important topics such as physical and mental health, help people get some orientation so as to facilitate one’s pathway/access to care, help identify individual and collective needs in terms of care, meet with caregivers and understand better what they do, further everyone’s knowledge, ignite curiosity…
Body-Mind-Machine awareness
- Attention Som(t)a(c)tic a zine, by Anne & Karine, from and for a body-Mind-Machine awareness workshop.
Visuals / Online projects
- Liberation Gif FREE THEM FRIENDS
- Help Yourself Help: Collective Abecedary of thoughts, tips, tools for creative, resourceful caregiving
- a blog where we post elements of related news watch, thoughts and inspirations, art bits, quotes, sounds..
- HWC at CIJ-Logan Challenge Power Berlin, March 2016
- HWC Sessions 1st edition at c-base Berlin, September 2016