Table of Contents
Care in context of Activism
- Joyful Militancy Building thriving resistance in toxic times, by Carla Bergman and Nick Montgomery
- “What Sustains Us? What Stops Us?” Thoughts on activism and mental health The counterbalance project.
- FOR ALL WE CARE, Reconsidering Self-Care, CrimethInc
- SELF AS OTHER - Reconsidering self-care CrimethInc
- The Lifelong Activist How to change the world without losing your way, a self-help guide for activists and progressives, by Hillary Rettig
- Sustainable activism and avoiding burnout and more,
- Holistic Security Tactical Tech. A “strategy manual to help human rights defenders maintain their well-being in action. The holistic approach integrates self-care, well-being, digital security, and information security into traditional security management practices.”
Gender/ Diversity Wise
- Self-care and Self-defense manual for feminist activists Marina Bernal
Street Wise
- Riot Medicine Hakan Geijer, 2020-05-12
- Activist's Guide To Basic First Aid Black Cross Collective
- Staying safe in the streets CrimethInc
- Fashion Tips for the brave CrimethInc
- Stay Healthy so you can stay in the streets Boston Area Liberation Medics
- See the protests section of Tactical Tech Holistic Security manual Holistic Security Part 4: ACT
care_in_context_of_activism.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/17 20:12 by hwc