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Care in context of Activism


Self as other - Reconsidering Self-Care (CrimethInc)

The Lifelong Activist

  • The Lifelong Activist How to change the world without losing your way, a self-help guide for activists and progressives, by Hillary Rettig

Sustainable activism and avoiding burnout, and more (Activist Trauma Support)

Holistic Security for Rights Advocates

“Human rights defenders, journalists, and activists continue to operate in a terrain fraught by ever-evolving risks to their physical and psychological integrity, along with those of their family, friends and associates.

The great proliferation of digital devices and information and communication technologies such as the internet, email, social networking tools, mobile and smartphone devices, has had a profound impact on the dimensions of these threats, both in broadening the kinds of surveillance and harassment to which HRDs can be subjected, and providing new and innovative ways for them to communicate, organise, take action and stay safe, both psychologically and physically.”

Gender Wise

Self-care and Self-defense manual for feminist activists

ZEN and the art of making tech work for you

“The manual grew out of the 2014 Gender and Technology Institute, organised by Tactical Technology Collective and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). The Institute brought together almost 80 participants and facilitators—mostly from the Global South—to focus on issues faced daily by women and trans* persons online and offline, to share strategies and tools for better protecting our digital privacy and security, as well as show we can spread this knowledge and skills with our communities and organisations. Since then, our network has expanded, so this manual has benefited from the input and review of a wide range of people. It is informed by the stories and creative practices of grass-roots activists, digital and holistic security facilitators, privacy advocates, and people making technology around the world.”

Street Wise

Activist's Guide to Basic First Aid (BCC)

“Black Cross Health Collective is an affinity group of health care workers who live in Portland, Oregon. We formed after the WTO protests because we saw a need for medical care that is specific to the radical community. We think our needs as radicals are different, and that groups like the Red Cross don’t give us the skills we need to keep ourselves and each other safe in the streets. So we called upon our own medical experience (as nurse practioners, nurses, EMT’s, clinical herbalists, and more), as well as our experience in demos and direct actions, and formed Black Cross. Since then, we’ve done first aid trainings in Portland and around the country, provided medical support at local and national demos, and are conducting trials looking for a way to neutralize pepper spray”

Staying safe in the streets

Fashion tips for the brave

Stay healthy so you can stay in the streets (BALM Squad)

Boston Area Liberation Medics have a collection of health and medical documents produced by street medics for the benefit of the activist community, for reading online or printing as handouts. See the website BALM


Kit d'Auto-défense Juridique et Médicale (PL)

Guide soins aux migrants en situation précaire

Modèles de courrier droits de séjour pour raisons médicales

care_in_context_of_activism.1443644215.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/30 22:16 by emily