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Welcome to Hacking With Care Wiki !

Find out what animates us, what we do, explore and enjoy the resources we have created for massage, movement, and more ! Browse through a collection of resources we have compiled thematically from other people and organizations. Articles, information sheets, first aid guidelines, zines !

About us

We are a collective composed of hackers-activists, caregivers, artists, sociologist, growing (quite literally) by contact and affinity.

Together we imagine, circulate, put in common resources and tools for care in accordance with hackers ethics and peer-to-peer philosophy. We invent customized occasions for body & soul rejuvenation and collective (re)appropriation of care. We work with an understanding of the needs and requirements of specific contexts, as can be found in hacking and activism. Similarly, we like to transmit to caregivers some hackers activists tools and best practices, for example in relation to data protection, technological independence, operational security. Other aspects we like are creativity in care, access to knowledge, interdisciplinarity, questioning of norms…

Our actions evolve around two principal axis that could be: Care for hackers-activists and Hackers ethics and tools for caregivers (but they are not limited to them).

They include care corners at hackers-activists events, pop-up massage sessions at the quarters of activists organizations, massage and well-being workshops and tutorials, conversations, crypto-parties, online compilation of resources and tools, creation of original resources, research, news watch

Indeed, we have come to the realization that in the world today big-hearted hackers and activists are exposed to life-threatening levels of stress and emotional challenges. Some burnout, some are imprisoned or experience limitations or abuse of their rights, in retaliation for their deeds. Some die. Meanwhile, the health-care sectors (where the most vulnerable people become yet more exposed) serve corporate and shady political agendas by default, and we, as individuals, as communities, are being “holistically” attacked by the systems in governance : attacks and restrictions on life and freedoms keep intensifying everywhere, motivated by unchecked power and greed. They affect all, in all areas of life, including access to healthcare.

These converging realizations and the great joys we have in doing what we do all, inspired us to put together this initiative. We want to help become aware of vulnerabilities in our movements and organize so that each and everyone's capacities to care and be cared for will not be compromised. We want to install or nurture a culture of care and self-care in the communities we create. And we want to reach out to caregivers, to share'n'care with them.

We have a broad understanding of the concept of care and we practise these arts as powerful means to encourage, mirror and sustain altruism, and to embody a web of trust. With Hacking with Care, we wish to contribute to the resiliency and prosperity of an extended network of caregivers today, hackers-activists, lawyers, journalists, artists, whistle-blowers, many others with or without a “profession” or a name, distant and near, free and imprisoned, each of us node in a human support network.

more HWC Intentions

Visit Hacking With Care blog

What we do

“Soudain, la vie cesse d'être découpée en tronçons connectés. Dormir, se battre, manger, se soigner, faire la fête, conspirer, débattre, relèvent d'un seul mouvement vital. Tout n'est pas organisé, tout s'organise. La différence est notable. L'un s'appelle la gestion, l'autre l'attention - dispositions en tout point incompatibles” - Comité Invisible, A Nos Amis

Care for hackers-activists

Our “care ops” destined at hackers-activists come in different formats according to set and settings. They involve personalized care sessions (notably massage), well-being workshops, thematic conversations (on stress, anxiety, posture, courage..), the sharing of documentation…

Care corners

We set up care corners at hackers and activists events, where we make massages, give tutorials, workshops, talk and share documentation… Visitors are welcomed to use the dispositive for their own care sessions, workshops or discussions on related topics. On these occasions we generally team up with other organizations,historically with La Quadrature du Net and their Tea-house. We were at OHM in 2013, 30C3, 31C3 and 32C3 with LQDN, at the Logan Symposium for hackers and journalists with the Center of Investigative Journalism, and at CCCamp15, with the alliance LQDN + CIJ + Courage Foundation + Tactical Tech.

Pop-up care sessions

We set-up a private care corner for a couple of hours at the quarters of an organization and give medium/short personalized care sessions and/or workshops.

Individual Care Sessions

We seek to make individual care sessions accessible to hackers-activists, notably by thinking/designing care in/for sensitive contexts.

Hackers ethics for caregivers

Reciprocal operations destined to caregivers are experimented with, that involve “crypto-care” sessions, thematic discussions, workshops, for example at caregiving schools.

Crypto-care parties

Gatherings where hackers and caregivers mind each others needs for more freedom and autonomy, ones with respect to their bodies and spirits, others with respect to the use of their devices/technology.

Hack-care workshops

Our workshops at caregiving schools are infused with Hackers Ethics and P2P philosophy, and some specifically explore the potentials of such ethics and philosophy as applied to the learning, practice, and accessibility/circulation of well-being arts in general.

Hack-care ops

Presentations/ tactical-ethical technological workshops destined to caregivers where they are (schools, institutions…). To inform, assist caregivers in dealing with issues of human rights on-line, privacy/data protection, technological independence, operational security…

Creation and circulation of resources

We create resources (articles, tutorials, manuals..) and compile existing resources related to care, and circulate them. We keep a blog

Where & When


  • Paris
  • Montréal
  • Porto


  • Attention Som(t)a©tics @ Tactical magics 2012, Hobart, Tasmania
  • Attention Som(t)a©tics & Observe Hack Massage workshops + massage corner with La Quadrature du Net @OHM August 2013
  • HWC + LQDN tea house and massage corner and more @ 30C3 December 2013
  • Hands massage workshop @ POOP by Le LOOP June 2014
  • HWC massage corner @Logan Symposium, December 2014
  • Between zeros and ones @ sight and sounds 2014, Montréal
  • Between zeros and ones @ Ministry of Hacking, 2014, Gratz, Austria
  • Hacking With Care@CCC15 with LQDN, Courage, CIJ, Tactical Tech - La Quadrature du camp !



start.1454430387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/02 17:26 by emily