SAVE THE DATE! Hacking with Care Sessions – 3-4 Sept.2016 – c-base, Berlin

SAVE THE DATE! Hacking with Care Sessions – 3-4 Sept.2016 – c-base, Berlin

We are happy to announce our first “Hacking with Care Sessions”, on the week-end of the 3rd and the 4th of September at the c-base, rungestrasse 20, 10179 Berlin

Join us for two wholehearted days of meeting, sharing and caring for hackers-activists, caregivers and friends !

The schedule – to be announced – will be split between workshops, presentations/discussions on related topics, individual care sessions, and will leave time and space to chill-out in a cozy version of our world-famous Tea House.

We hope you are as excited by this event as we are, and are hoping for participation and contributions of various kinds. If you feel like actively contributing something, check the more detailed Call for contributions below 🙂

Please write to if you intend to attend and/or contribute!

For next updates on this event and our activities, you can check the twitter feed @hackingwithcare, and you can also subscribe to the Hacking with Care mailing list. 

We are sure these two days will be a wonderful occasion to take care of each other, learn and share useful  knowledge and skills, and are confident that with everyone’s contribution it will happen in a cozy and joyful manner!

Lots of love and a good summer <3

HWC September sessions Call for contributions:

  • You can contribute to this event with a workshop and/or by offering individual or small group sessions, of  Care for hackers/activists and/or Hackers ethics and tools for caregivers.

Indeed we are looking to offer care to hackers-activists (massages, yoga, tea etc.) as well as specific care/techniques to caregivers (for example introduction to or help with digital security, OpSec, Libre software, etc..), knowing of course that these categories are not set in stone and there can be much fluidity between all.

Also, remember you don’t have to be a “pro” to offer your lovely care and kindness, and that you can share/put into practice something you will have learned in a workshop the day or morning before.

  • You can also contribute with a short presentation/discussion on a related topic of interest, at the intersection of care and hacking-activism.
  • You can offer a live “Ask Me Anything” session at some table, like, “I am a physiotherapist, ask me anything” or “I am a digital security expert, ask me anything” etc.
  • You can offer to host a tea table and look after the flow of tea, during the event, welcome and guide guests..
  • You can help with the general organization and smooth running of the event.
  • You can also contribute with educational and care resources, zines, stickers, etc.
  • You can lend equipment (massage table, cushions…)
  • You can contribute on the Food, Snacks and Drinks front (teas !!)…

Please write to 

Looking forward to sharing and caring with you <3