Tag Archives: LGBT



17 a 21 de maio de 2020, Centre for Social Studies | University of Coimbra (Portugal) >> Deadline for applications: 20 january 2020 – Extended Deadline

“The Monsters Summer School II embraces monstrosity in what it offers regarding the undoing of binaries and the celebration of embodied differences in times when the advancement of extreme-right and populism threatens our existence. We aim to explore who are the contemporary monsters, what are the dichotomies they challenge and how narratives on monsters contribute to definitions of human. We want to explore monsters as a possible theoretical figuration to escape mainstream celebrations of humanity and to embrace the vivid possibilities offered by interdisciplinary, boundary-crossing contributions from different fields of knowledge. We aim at creating spaces to discuss contributions and experiences that often fall out of the map even within critical studies. Also, we interrogate the possibilities of creating knowledge from places of estrangement regarding mainstream sources of knowledge production in the academic fields of LGBTQI+ and critical studies.

Drawing on timely, interdisciplinary theoretical contributions and intersectional empirical work on queers, crips and other misfits, the Monsters’ Summer School will consolidate academic knowledge in the fields of sexual and gender dissidence, disability and other forms of embodied misfit.

Gendersec Curricula public release

The Gendersec Curricula is a resource that introduces a holistic, feminist perspective to privacy and digital security trainings. Informed by years of working with women and trans activists around the world, this free resource covers over 20 topics such as Hacking Hate Speech, Strategies of Resistance, Creative Uses of Social Media,Technological Sovereignty, Handling Anxiety, Releasing Physical Stress, Information Mapping and Identifying Risks. Trainers can access the workshops and adapt them to their communities to help Women, activists and Human Rights Defenders to protect themselves from online and offline threats.

Poussy Plaisir Protocole


Cadeau de fin d’année qui répond à un cadeau, voici le POUSSY PLAISIR PROTOCOLE <3

Un protocole-photo de massage plaisir du torse, abdomen et poitrine, dédicacé à Poussy Draama, a.k.a DocteurE Duchesne, pour réaliser avec son huile ou d’autres huiles délicieuses faites maison.

Poussy Draama / DocteurE Duchesne propose des conseils et réconfort autour du bien-être sexuel/ gynécologique. Elle écoute, réponds et partage autour de plein de questions (contraception, violences sexuelles et médicales, médecines douces..) d’un point de vue queer et féministe. Elle facilite régulièrement des ateliers et propose des séances d’écoute et de conseils à prix libre (possible online). Chaque année, Poussy propose aussi une petite livraison de produits de bien-être naturels concoctés par ses bons soins, en édition limitée. En 2017 sous la sapine, je recevais l’Huile Délicieuse pour le corps, une macération de roses et fleurs d’oranger dans des huiles de sésame, coco, et olive. C’est cette huile qui a inspiré le massage crayonné ci dessous. Merci Poussy <3
Pour la contacter : poussydraama@riseup.net

Le massage : Ecris P-O-U-S-S-Y !

Veillez à toujours bien respecter les précautions et contre indications en massage ainsi que des régles de conduites et une éthique bienveillante.

Chauffez vos mains, prenez un peu d’huile, placez vous à la tête de votre ami.e … et écrivez simplement P-O-U-S-S-Y en suivant les lignes et points d’appuis du corps, comme indiqué sur le dessin ! Vous pouvez aussi pratiquer ce protocole en auto-massage !!

Ce sont des manoeuvres simples, mains pleines, paumes à plat, qui épousent et confortent la peau (mais libre à vous de faire entrer des variations). N’hésitez pas à répéter plusieurs fois chaque geste.  Le rythme est plutot lent (ou langoureux disons), car on ne peut pas aller trop vite si on veut bien “épouser” le corps, mais introduisez tout de meme des variations, ralentissez, voire marquez des pauses – laissez bien la place à la respiration (la votre et celle de votre ami.e) et laissez vous guider.

D’un point de vue des bienfaits, outre la détente et le plaisir, ce massage informé par la Médecine Classique Chinoise soutient la circulation sur le méridien Conception a.k.a Ren Mai (avec le P et le Y), le transit intestinal (avec le P et le O) , renforce la force vitale du centre (O), soutient l’ascension de la rate (U) et le méridien du foie qu’il désengorge (avec le U et le Y, les S), et soulage / relax le coeur et péricarde (les S). Un massage qui peut donc être bien indiqué en cas de contrariétés pré-moonstruelles (avec par exemple tensions dans les seins, problèmes digestifs, irritabilité, tristesse..)

Vous souhaitant bien du plaisir, chaleur au coeur et au corps, harmonies amoureuses et infinies amitiés

Emily  <3













Emily King / Poussy Draama

GLU Handshake workshop

Earlier in September, Emily joined the Girls Like Us team in Brussels for the launch of issue #10 of their magazine, FUTURE, which features a photographic version of Hacking with Care’s hands massage manual, the Handshake. Emily facilitated a workshop for the occasion, where she shared tips, talked about ethical conduct in care, and showed a selection of simple and effective hands massage moves.  A formidable ice-breaker, a powerful portable massage, a connection you can’t really cheat, the Handshake proved again a great tool for making friends, fortifying ourselves, and building solidarities.

HWC Workshop-3189 HWC Workshop-3163 HWC Workshop-3205HWC Workshop-3211

Below, Emily is showing the move  counting money on the phalanges , in which you want to contact the bone structure of the hand. There is something odd in the phalanges count… If you apply yourself patiently to it, you will find out what 🙂

HWC-Workshop-3181_anon HWC-Workshop-3180_anon

A warm thank you to all the participants, and to Girls Like Us for the beautiful photographic version of the handshake and for creating good conditions for sharing and caring in a workshop. Wishing you all nice massages !



The issue #10 of Girls Like Us magazine is available online or in some stores . The T-shirt is for sale also on the online shop of GLU


Photos Katja Mater cc-by-nc-sa

Girls Like Us Handshake, Brussels


Girls Like Us made a pretty photographic version of our Handshake massage manual, which features in the latest issue of their magazine, themed FUTURE. A Future “that is fair, fun, furry, fabulous, fierce, free and not fucked up. A future that embraces weakness, where we come together, where we can lean on each other and stand strong”.

Emily will be in Brussels Saturday 02/09 for the launch of the magazine, to give a workshop to accompany the publication, and chill out 🙂

If you wish to join the festivities, attend the workshop (limited capacity !) or find out how to get a copy of the magazine, write to contact@girlslikeusmagazine. com

The original Hacking with Care Handshake can be found here on our wiki, also available in zine format ready for printing, in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.


Photography Katja Mater /Girls Like Us CC-NC-BY-SA


“Would a licensed medical doctor with years of training really be unsure of what to do with a broken arm just because it was attached to a transgender person?

That’s the simple question at the heart of a complex issue dubbed “Trans Broken Arm Syndrome.” The term was coined by Naith Payton at British LGBT site Pink News on July 9 to describe when “healthcare providers assume that all medical issues are a result of a person being trans. Everything – from mental health problems to, yes, broken arms.”

This phenomenon is just one of many difficulties transgender people face when seeking healthcare. Even for something as common as a cold, trans people frequently don’t receive appropriate medical care due to a combination of under-educated physicians, insurance coverage denials, and fear of discrimination.”

Continue reading : ‘Trans Broken Arm Syndrome’ and the way our healthcare system fails trans people, by Mary Emily O’Hara, August 6, 2015

Chest Binding and Health

“Study highlights health problems related to chest binding”

“The practice of chest binding to create a more masculine appearance is well know within the queer community, but medical professionals and the general pubic are less informed – which leads to a lack of information about what is the best practice. Many people are forced to search online for information and guidance and YouTube videos have become on of the most common places for people seeking knowledge. Now a research team have published the findings of a large survey they conducted. Published in Culture, Health and Sexuality: an International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, the study is based on anonymous interviews with 1800 people who had experiences in binding their chests.”


“Overwhelmingly people said chest binding had a positive effect on their mental health with decreases in suicidality, anxiety and dysphoria and increased self-esteem, confidence and ability to go out safely in public.


“97.2% of participants reported at least one negative outcome they attributed to binding. The most commonly reported outcomes were back pain (53.8%), overheating (53.5%), chest pain (48.8%), shortness of breath (46.6%), itching (44.9%), bad posture (40.3%) and shoulder pain (38.9%).”


“Sports bras, layering sports bras and neoprene or athletic compression wear were the binding methods least commonly associated with negative outcomes, and therefore may be the safest options for binding.”

Hacking with Care @THF!2016, Montréal 18-22/08


Don’t forget this week in Montreal is the TransHackFeminist meet-up !

Decolonizing Technologies, Autonomous Infrastructures, Queer and Feminist Pedagogies and Hacking with Care !

Check out the program !

Among the other empowering careful activities organically proposed at THF!2016, it will be the occasion to take part to one of the cherished Hacking with Care body-mind-machine awareness workshop with Goldjian Attent!ion Som(t)a(c)tic, and for the first time to the get into the excitement and ex-plo-rations of the Cryptodance !!!!


Espace Santé Trans (Paris IDF)

Actuellement en phase pilote, l’association Espace Santé Trans propose des consultations psychothérapeutiques à prix libre avec des psychopraticien-n-es formé-e-s bénévoles, sur Paris.  Pour Trans et personnes en questionnement qui cherche un accueil bienveillant et trans friendly et qui pour toutes sortes de raisons inclus matérielles ne peuvent pas consulter en “libéral”.

>> https://espacesantetrans.fr/

DOCTEURE DUCHESNE @Toulouse, 7-8 Nov


DocteurE Duchesne dit :

Le DocteurE Duchesne vient faire un tour à Toulouse !

À 16H
Je serai au festival Femme Scandal à Terre Blanque, pour un talk interactif sur les sexualités et la santé féminines, trans & queer. Ecrivez vos questions sur un pâpier, on met tout dans un saladier, et je répondrai en public pendant 1h30 aux questions les plus inspirantes !!!

À 15H
Atelier auto-exam au spéculum dans un lieu cozy secret à Toulouse !!! Ça va être super love comme d’hab. Dans la première partie, “théorique”, je raconterai histoire du spéculum et de la gynécologie (TW : c’est violent !!), puis on passe à la pratique pour (re)découvrir son col de l’utérus et s’initier aux bases de l’auto-examen (manipulation du spéculum, observation). Atelier non-mixte meufs/gouines/trans.

PLACES LIMITÉES !! Réservation obligatoire par mail, à poussydraama@riseup.net
Le lieu te sera révélé à la suite de ton inscription !
Je fournis les spéculum, apporte un petit miroir et une lampe de poche !



ZEN and the art of making tech work for you

Gender and Tech Ressources >> ZEN and the art of making tech work for you,  complete manual (Tactical Technology Collective + Association for Progressive Communication)

From the Introduction:

“This manual is a community-built resource for our growing community of women and trans* activists, human rights defenders and technologists. It is designed to be a living, growing collection of practical guidance and information that uniquely speaks to our needs, experiences, and activism, both online and offline. Content listed in the manual was created in response to our community’s requests for ideas and guidance they needed, but couldn’t find elsewhere. Therefore, this initial manual content doesn’t cover many other topics that we hope to add with your support and input as it evolves here on the wiki. The current manual explores two overlapping issues:

  • First, how can we craft appropriate online presences (or a series of them) that strengthen our ability to communicate and work online safely?
  • Secondly, how can we collaboratively create safe online and offline spaces that enable our communities to share, collaborate, and communicate safely?

This is a process: Stay centered, cultivate patience, and practice self-care

The first most important thing to remember when using this manual, is that we have used the concept of “zen” in the title to highlight the importance of embracing technology with the calm understanding that it won’t always work perfectly. Sometimes you might need to spend time pondering technology and the significance of it in your life, in your community and in the world. And other times you might need to take a break and come back to it.”

Marriage : Thanks but no thanks ?

Michael Cobb shares an opinion on marriage in The Supreme Court’s Lonely Hearts Club (NYT, June 30)

“Marriage equality activists could have pursued a different agenda — challenging the need for sexual scrutiny by the state, and the constellation of benefits that belong to marriage — but they didn’t. Instead of dreaming up new forms of governance, they asked to be ruled by the ones that already exist.

And so old questions remain: Why can’t I put a good friend on my health care plan? Why can’t my neighbour and I file our taxes together so we could save some money, as my parents do? If I failed to make a will, why is it unlikely a dear friend would inherit my estate?

The answers to all these questions are the same: It’s because I’m not having sex with those people. (To make matters worse, that also means we probably didn’t have children together.) For the only thing that truly distinguishes romance and marriage from other loving intimacies like friendships, other familial relationships and close business partnerships is that sex is (or once was) part of the picture.

So yes, marriage equality erases an odious and invidious distinction among straight and us not-straight citizens for which I’m truly glad and which I celebrate. And it’ll make lots of people’s lives better. But it also leaves unexamined the reason sex seems to give you benefits and recognition — and why it orders the world and civilization.”

BIO-reSEARCH – GYNEpunk (autonomous gynecology lab)

GYNEpunk‘s objective is to make emerge DIY-DIT accessible diagnosis labs and technics in extreme experimentation, down the rocks or elevators if is necesary. Has to be possible in a situated stable place or/and in nomadic mobile labs. Has to be able to perform as much as WE WANT, in a intensive way: smears, fluid analysis, biopsy, PAPs, synthesize hormones at will, blood exams, urinalysis, HIV tests, pain reliefs, or what ever WE NEED. Hack and build our own ultrasound, endoscope or ecography devices in a low-cost way. All this in a strict complementation with herbs and natural knowledges, oral traditions, submarine recipes, seeking with hunger generate superavit of DIY lubricants, anti-conceptives, open doula domains, savage caring of any visceral hands on technologies, as menstrual extraction, all elevated at maximun potential of common learning and radical self-body-power…!


Tools and Tactics for LGBT communities in Arabic region and sub-Saharan Africa

Security in-a-Box is a collaborative effort of the Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line Defenders, which was created to meet the digital security and privacy needs of advocates and human rights defenders. The Community Focus editions of Security in-a-Box are a series of guides which aim to better place digital security in the context of the work carried out and threats faced by different communities of human rights defenders.

Development of the guides is ongoing. The first two guides, for the Arabic-speaking and sub-Saharan African LGBTI communities, were published in 2013 and 2014 respectively.

The guides are researched and written in collaboration with human rights defenders. They include information about the particular digital security risks which the communities tend to face and also add to the existing material in Security in-a-Box to include new How-to chapters and Hands-on guides where necessary, in order to help you to better protect your information, yourself, and your community.”

TransHackFeminist convergence report

With next edition soon in Puebla, Mexico, find out what went on last summer at THF! in the convergence report HERE, and from there access many resources. Feminist Servers, Gynecology Punk Bio-labs, Corporal Decolonization, Public Key Signing Ceremonies, Hacking the Baby / Family, (Let’s talk about) Death cafés, Crips Sexuality, Liberating technologies…

Chelsea Manning allowed hormones in MTF transition

“Chelsea Manning, the US soldier convicted of leaking classified information to Wikileaks, is to receive hormone therapy to help complete the transition to life as a woman.

USA Today said that in what represented an unprecedented move by the US armed forces, the Pentagon had approved Manning for treatment after a review.

“After carefully considering the recommendation that (hormone treatment) is medically appropriate and necessary, and weighing all associated safety and security risks presented, I approve adding [hormone treatment] to Inmate Manning’s treatment plan,” Col Erica Nelson, the commandant of Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, wrote in a memo on 5 February.”

Continue reading The Independent article