Tag Archives: Datalove

DOCTEURE DUCHESNE @Toulouse, 7-8 Nov


DocteurE Duchesne dit :

Le DocteurE Duchesne vient faire un tour à Toulouse !

À 16H
Je serai au festival Femme Scandal à Terre Blanque, pour un talk interactif sur les sexualités et la santé féminines, trans & queer. Ecrivez vos questions sur un pâpier, on met tout dans un saladier, et je répondrai en public pendant 1h30 aux questions les plus inspirantes !!!

À 15H
Atelier auto-exam au spéculum dans un lieu cozy secret à Toulouse !!! Ça va être super love comme d’hab. Dans la première partie, “théorique”, je raconterai histoire du spéculum et de la gynécologie (TW : c’est violent !!), puis on passe à la pratique pour (re)découvrir son col de l’utérus et s’initier aux bases de l’auto-examen (manipulation du spéculum, observation). Atelier non-mixte meufs/gouines/trans.

PLACES LIMITÉES !! Réservation obligatoire par mail, à poussydraama@riseup.net
Le lieu te sera révélé à la suite de ton inscription !
Je fournis les spéculum, apporte un petit miroir et une lampe de poche !



Hacking (with) Care @ 31C3


Soon is the 31st Chaos Communication Congress “annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia.” Some might remember Hacking (with) Care was present last December at 30C3, cocooning, massaging, sharing and caring with La Quadrature du Net at their tea house.

This year, we invite you to drop by La Quadra’TeaHouse again, where you can learn and practice together a self-care body routine from our video tutorial, observe-hack-massage each other, enjoy heart-warming, mind-sharpening cups of tea, and share thoughts on what could “hacking with care” mean and be for you, me, us …

The four days promise to be intense, here is the program of talks. There are, indeed, many subjects of interests, and more than one can chew in four days. Below is a selection of suggested lectures, assemblies, projects… somewhat related to HWC topics and interests.


(27) Personal tracking device and online identity 

(27) Mobile self-defense 

(27) Crypto tales from the trenches 

(27) Citizenfour (film)

(28) The Invisible Committee Returns with “Fuck Off Google”

(28) Hacking ethics in education 

(28) Internet of Toilets: Trend in the sanitarian territory

(28) From Computation to Consciousness: How computation helps to explain mind, universe, and everything

(28) Reconstructing Narratives – Transparency in the service of Justice 

(28) Doing right by the sources, done right (whistleblowers and sources protection)

(29) Freedom in your computer and in the net

(29) Security Analysis of a full-body X ray Scanner

(29) The Machine To Be Another : Exploring identity and empathy through neuroscience, embodiment, VR and storytelling

(30) The Taste of Surveillance: Artistic responses to invasive observation

Assemblies, projects, self-organized sessions..


Food Hacking Base

Move that body martial arts  


Crying on the bathroom floor for no apparent reason


Practical Whistleblowing  


SEX Seed EXchange

Hillhacks – Hackers without borders 

Found Hugs  

DONDE NO HAY DOCTOR and other health books free

Easy indispensable basic health guides for people and communities worldwide, accessible for free in many languages HERE on Hesperian Health website – including David Werner classic Donde No Hay Doctor. Covering many topics, for when there is no doctor, no dentist, for people with special needs, women and children, disabled, and because health is a right.


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Classic, concise, clear, accessible yoga book ASANA PRANAYAMA MUDRA BANDHA by Swami Satyananda Saraswati is available HERE although not in its latest version.

Imo, this manual is particularly interesting when new to yoga and/or or looking for some easy body routines that you can start practicing alone. The Beginners group is good indeed, with different series of basic exercises to help prevent or help alleviate disorders caused by overexertion and stillness-stasis combined (as in a lot of computer / office work). Check out the Exercises for the eyes !

(Remember to first read the advice and precautions in the introduction)

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Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen


The Huang Di Nei Jing, a.k.a Yellow Emperor’s inner classic or canon, is considered a fundamental text of chinese medicine, going back approximately 2000 years. It exposes TCM principles and applications in the form of a Q&A between disciple and old master. The canon is divided into two sections both containing 81 chapters (where 8+1=9, 9 being the number for the sky in chinese metaphysics). The first section is Su Wen, or “Basic Questions” deploying the theories at the root of all diagnostics, and the second section is the less known Ling Shu, or Spiritual Pivot, which is more directly about applications and acupuncture.

HERE is an Annotated Translation of Huang Di’s Inner Classic – Basic Questions: 2 volumes, by Paul Unschuld (University of california Press). A complementary history and comparative literature of the Su Wen, also by Paul Unschuld, can be read HEREA chinese manuscript (Wang Bing’s version) can be found HERE on World Digital Library.


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Chinese Martial Arts Manuals translated

Capture d’écran 2014-07-08 à 17.21.52

Here is a generous selection of 19th century to mid 20th Chinese Martial Arts Manuals (notably Taiji Boxing manuals) all translated to english and made available by Paul Brennan on his site. Original chinese scriptures are still in the copy along with vintage photographies and images. Interesting for practice, the manuals are also windows on chinese metaphysics and the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (which the “gymnastics” are part of), and on chinese (war) history…

“The ideal thing to do is unite in association with each other and rouse our spirits to strive, to study intensively in the triple aspects of education [i.e. ethical, intellectual, physical] and let us be common friends against a common foe. Without strength of literature, how will these things be spread far? A single page carried by the wind can delay a culture’s decay.” 

Liu Qian, foreword to the TAIJI MANUAL OF XU YUSHENG

Trail Guide To The Body and other bodywork books


Andrew Biel’s TRAIL GUIDE TO THE BODY- a hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones and more, does exactly what it says. It is a good, complete, educational and entertaining book for everyone interested in learning and working with the body, professional or amateur. It teaches anatomy hands-on, but mostly, it shows a way, a method, to always get back on your hands while you give a massage, to always remain grounded in what you feel under your fingers. This, I find, is actually more important than knowing all the muscles by names, especially for amateurs, because then you cannot get it wrong so much. I also like it very much because it follows the metaphor of the body as a landscape and hence, of massage as a hike or a nice “promenade”, a powerful metaphor which I am fond of and work a lot with in both individual sessions and workshops (Coming soon in Paris is another edition of my Body as a Landscape massage Workshop)

Get the book, get out there, and explore !


The book is part of a pack here, along with other very good massage and bodywork books


Creative Commons Workout Music selections from WFMU/ FMA

Radio WFMU and Free Music Archive propose mixes of creative commons workout tunes for non commercial use.

As noted by WFMU Jason Sigal, these are good for schools, non profit fitness centers and other organizations who can’t pay the (pumped up) price to do squats to an original Britney Spears song, and are not too interested either in getting cheaper mock up versions of it.

So get into comfortable clothes and grab some for your community:

WFMU/FMA CC Workout mix 

FMA Katya Oddio Feeling SuperBetter workout mix 

Remember no one actually has to become super better or optimized or anything, although, for those who like, a Mister Universe kind of workout is also available: The Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Total Body Workout MP3s


Cumbia Care

One cumbia a day keeps the doctor away – or is it champeta* ?

Datalove.net shares torrents of it, and champeta, and chicha, and salsa, and merengue, and other sensational street finds.

See how much good vibes yours systems can take in, set to expand that capacity,

And don’t forget to share-care




* Champeta is a “super-popular rythm, mixing traditional Colombian sounds with modern tropical rythms of obvious afro-carribean influence”, and it is really keeping us healthy around here.