Tag Archives: Hands

Mãozada – The Handshake: HWC hands massage manual !


Hacking with Care is happy to share a hands massage manual we have created for everyone to enjoy ! Now available in full on our wiki and right here in pdf, ready for printing 🙂 

Love to our friends and to all those yet-strangers who will become friends after a good handshake <3 !!!

Mãozada − The Handshake was redacted in Portugal, in 2015.

Texts are by Emily King. Drawings are by Dayana Lucas. Special thanks to La Quadrature du Net, Sarah Hiltner, and everyone who helped in the making of this manual <3 !

You are free to print, copy, circulate, and remix as you please. Do not, however, make any commercial use of this work in whole or part. It was conceived as a gift; please use it as such.

From the Introduction :

Our hands are tools; they transform thought into action, shape our reality, connect us to the world and the beautiful beings that are part of it.

An extension of our hearts, they can bring the ones we love closer, and keep at a distance those we distrust.

Their sophisticated anatomy enables both the use of brute force and the most delicate of gestures. They feed us, defend us, but also hold onto a lot of stress.

As the bark of the tree, the skin of our hands holds the traces of the many stories that make up our lives.

Since all body parts tend to reflect a greater whole, a hand massage will have positive effects on the general state of being.